As a Girls PREP mentor, you will be assigned to one Girls PREP mentee one night a week during after school hours for a minimum of one hour during a full school year. All mentoring sessions take place either in person, by phone or web. The goal of being a Girls PREP mentor is to build a relationship based on trust and high expectations that will bolster a mentee’s progress towards their academic or professional goals. You will be provided a two-hour orientation, access to our curriculum, all materials needed for becoming a successful mentor, and a robust system for one-on-one support. The duties of a mentor include:

• Meeting regularly with mentee (4 hours per month)
• Managing the behavior of mentees
• Participating in large group seminar lead meetings (4-5 meetings per school year)
• Assisting with special events as needed
• Attending field trips as desired

All Mentor applicants must meet the following basic requirements:
• Have graduated from college or graduated school (graduate school preferred)
• Be willing and able to commit for an entire school year
• Meet Girls PREP background check clearance (FBI fingerprint background check & 2 personal/professional references)